We remain focused on the safety and well-being of our clients, staff and volunteers. COVID is still in our communities and many people are not fully vaccinated. We want all those in our care, and their families, to remain safe and reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19.
Council on Aging Offices
373 NE Greenwood Office – Open to Visitors
Our Greenwood office is small so we encourage you to make an appointment to see us. We are open Monday – Friday from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM. Our phone number is (541) 678-5483.
- All visitors are required to wear masks, sign in and complete a COVID-19 self-screening.
- Visitors are not required to be vaccinated. We will not be checking for proof of vaccination.
- All staff are vaccinated and will wear masks when meeting with visitors.
- All volunteers are required to be vaccinated by September 1st, and will wear masks for any in-person meetings with visitors or clients.
1036 NE 5th Street Office – Closed to the Public Due to Construction
We continue to run our Bend and Sisters Meals on Wheels program and Grab-N-Go lunches from this location.
Senior Meal Site Updates
Bend Meal Site Location: 1036 NE 5th Street, Bend
Community Dining Programs
- In person dining in Bend is on hold due to COVID 19 until we are past this latest surge.
- We provide Grab-N-Go lunch meals Wednesday, Thursday and Friday between 12:00 noon and 12:30 PM at our 1036 NE 5th Street office. Meals are free to all over 60 years of age.
Meals on Wheels Program
- Our Meals on Wheels operations are running normally. All of our volunteer drivers are fully vaccinated, wear a mask, use hand sanitizer and are free of any illness or cold/flu symptoms.
- If you have any questions please call our Bend meal site coordinator at: 541-604-5763
Sisters Meal Site: Sisters Community Church, 1300 McKenzie Hwy, Sisters
Community Dining Programs:
- In person lunches on hold due to COVID-19 until the latest surge has passed.
- We provide Grab-N-Go meals Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday between 12:00 noon and 12:30 PM.
Meals on Wheels Program
- Our Meals on Wheels operations are running normally. All of our volunteer drivers are fully vaccinated, wear a mask, use hand sanitizer and are free of any illness or cold/flu symptoms.
- If you have any questions please call your Sisters meal site coordinator at: 541-797-9367
La Pine Senior Activity Center: 16450 Victory Way, La Pine
The Senior Center is open for normal activities. For questions call the Senior Center at: 541-536-6237
Community Dining Program
- In-person lunches are available on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday between 11:15 AM and 12:00 PM.
- Grab-N-Go lunches are available each day as well. Call (541) 536-6237 for details.
Meals on Wheels Program
- Our Meals on Wheels operations are running normally. All of our volunteer drivers are fully vaccinated, wear a mask, use hand sanitizer and are free of any illness or cold/flu symptoms.
- If you have any questions please call your La Pine meal site coordinator at: 541-797-9107
Seniors of Jefferson County Senior Center: 860 SW Madison St, Madras
The Senior Center remains closed for activities. For questions call the Senior Center at: (541) 475-1148
Community Dining Program
- Grab-N-Go meals are offered Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday’s from 12:00 noon to 12:30 pm
Meals on Wheels Program
- Meals on Wheels meals are delivered Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday for a total of 7 days of meals if the client requests a week of meals.
Senior Center Address: 180 NE Belknap St, Prineville
The Senior Center is currently closed for all activities. We will reopen when it is safe for our clients, staff and volunteers. For questions call the Senior Center at: (541) 447-6844
Community Dining Program
- Grab-N-Go meals are available Monday – Friday until further notice. For questions call the Senior Center at: (541) 447-6844
Meals on Wheels Program
- Meals on Wheels meals are delivered Monday-Friday.
Senior Center Address: 325 NW Dogwood Ave, Redmond
The Senior Center is open for a variety of activities with COVID-19 protocols. For questions call the Senior Center at: 541-548-6325
Community Dining Program
- Community dining is open and being served Monday – Friday from 12:00 pm – 12:30 pm. Call the Senior Center for questions and daily menu information: 541-548-6325
Meals on Wheels Program
- Meals on Wheels are delivered Monday – Friday.