Caregiving may be the most challenging job on earth. It can be physically and emotionally draining. That’s why the Council on Aging of Central Oregon offers family caregiver support programs, guidance, and referrals to the people that need it most:  families, partners, friends, and paid or unpaid caregivers who provide care for another adult.  

Support can include:

  • Information about and access to services and resources
  • Individual counseling and support groups. Caregiver support groups help each other by practicing self-care, sharing resources, and discussing the challenges of caregiving for a loved one. Our case managers can help you find support options.
  • Limited respite grants range from $500 to $1,000 to unpaid family caregivers needing respite care.
  • Respite funds can be used to hire someone of YOUR choosing to take care of your loved one while you take a break. That caregiver can be a family member, friend, spouse, neighbor, or paid employee. Other options for respite care include assisted living facilities or adult foster care that can accommodate the care receiver on a limited basis (overnight or weekend stays). 

Family Caregiver Services are available for individuals who are:

  • A family caregiver who is 18 years or older caring for a person age 60+; or a person with Alzheimer’s disease or other dementia of any age.
  • A parent or older relative caregiver age 55+ who lives with, and is the primary caregiver for, an individual with disabilities age 18 or older.
  • An older relative caregiver (other than a parent) age 55+ who lives with and is the primary caregiver for a child aged 18 or younger.

Sign-up is easy and a social security number is not required. To learn more, call us at (541) 678-5483.