*Updated March 4, 2024
Why spend money if you can get products and services for free? Whether through the federal, state, or local government or churches and non-profits in your area, there are many options. Do your research and start saving money and enjoying retirement.
Another way to find free services specifically is through the Eldercare Locator website. This program is funded by the U.S. Administration on Aging and can help you find transportation, legal assistance, elder abuse resources, and more. Some services may just be discounted, but many are free. You can also call them at 1-800-677-1116 for assistance.
Free Dental Care

If you are a lower-income senior, Donated Dental Services (DDS) provides free senior dental care. The program is entirely staffed by volunteer dentists and is available in every state. Their website has a listing of facilities by state and their application process. You may also get dentures for free by contacting your state’s dental association.
Free Medical Services
Low-income older adults can also receive medical services through local free clinics run by the National Association of Free and Charitable Clinics. If you need help with medication, pharmaceutical companies operate Patient Assistance Programs (PAPs) that provide seniors with free medication. Some of these programs are run by states and can be found on the National Council on Aging website. The RXAssist website and the NCOA-sponsored BenefitsCheckUp site help you search for PAPs offered directly from drug companies.
For Medicare recipients looking for advice on Medicare enrollment and benefits, the Council on Aging has trained Medicare counselors, who offer free and unbiased help for new Medicare enrollees at age 65 and current Medicare enrollees looking to change their benefits. These volunteers are part of Oregon’s Senior Health Insurance Benefits Assistance (SHIBA) program, which is dedicated to educating and advocating for Medicare enrollees.
Free Eye Care
Lions Clubs International provides free eyeglasses, exams, and glaucoma screenings. These services vary based on your local Lions Club.
EyeCare America offers free comprehensive eye exams — and up to 1 year of care — to people age 65 and older and to people at higher risk of glaucoma.
New Eyes assists low-income individuals in the United States by providing a basic pair of eyeglasses with single or lined bifocal lenses.

Free Hearing Aids
If you need a hearing aid, some organizations help seniors obtain them for free.
The National Hearing Aid Project assists low-income seniors with finding hearing aids, although depending on your level of income, they may not be free but very low cost.
Other organizations that assist with getting new or refurbished hearing aids for seniors include the Lions Club through their local branches.
You may also qualify for a free hearing aid through Medicaid and the Veterans Administration. If you need help understanding your government benefits through Medicare cover, the Senior Health Insurance Assistant Program helps seniors with free health insurance counseling. Note that programs may have different names in different states. In Oregon, there are counselors that have gone through Senior Health Insurance Benefits Assistance (SHIBA) training and offer objective advice through the Council on Aging of Central Oregon.
Seniors who have hearing loss can also get a free phone from CaptionCall. The phones have a screen interface that provides captioning for incoming calls.
Free Food
Meals on Wheels provides over 2 million meals a year to homebound or disabled seniors. The Council on Aging of Central Oregon is your local food support resource for Meals on Wheels, community dining, and Grab-N-Go lunches.
The USDA Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) provides low-income seniors with food packages to supplement their regular meals. The packages include items like canned goods, peanut butter, cereal, milk, and juice. CFSP is available in most states, Puerto Rico, and some Native American reservations.
Thrive Central Oregon also keeps a list of resources to receive food boxes and hot meals. Always call locations to make sure information is current. (Bend , Redmond/Terrebonne, Prineville, La Pine/Sunriver, Sisters, Jefferson County/ Warm Springs)

Free Education
Seniors who want to go to college can get fee waivers from several states. Some waivers may only cover part of the cost, but many programs get you tuition-free of charge. Oregon State University allows senior citizens at least 65 years old to audit classes for free. The University of Oregon also waives fees for seniors 65 and older auditing classes on a space-available basis. Online course options may be offered depending on availability.
Free Tax Preparation
Many agencies assist each tax season, depending on your status and need. A community center, library, or senior center would be the best place to look for information. Tax Counseling for the Elderly provides free preparation services for seniors. You can find a TCE office near you by calling 800-906-9887.
AARP Tax-Aide Foundation offers free tax return preparation to low-income taxpayers, with a particular focus on older adults. Find a location near you at AARP’s Tax-Aide Site Locator.
Phone and Internet Service

The Lifeline program, funded by the Federal Communications Commission, provides low-cost and free cell phone or landline services for low-income seniors. The program is available through various phone service providers, such as QLink and AT&T, and options will vary. Some providers include a free phone while others do not, so it’s best to shop around.
Legal Aid
To receive free legal advice, there are programs in Central Oregon that offer free consultations with an attorney offering general legal information or referrals to other agencies. Deschutes Public Library hosts Lawyer in the Library on the first and third Wednesdays of the month from 5-8 p.m. Additionally, the Council on Aging partners with Legal Aid of Central Oregon to offer free Senior Law Project days. These 30-minute, in-person sessions are an opportunity to discuss subjects like long-term care, housing, renter’s rights, utilities, protective services, defense of guardianship, abuse, neglect, and age discrimination.
Gym Memberships
Bend Park & Recreation District offers a low-cost or no-cost fitness pass option for insurance-reimbursed fitness programs, and some Medicare plans are eligible. You can get access to fitness centers, virtual fitness classes, lap swimming and drop-in fitness classes including water fitness classes and workout-on-your-own sessions. These insurance-reimbursed fitness programs are also available through Redmond Area Park and Recreation District, who partners with Silver & Fit, SilverSneakers and Renew Active to offer low- or no-cost fitness classes, lap swim and water walking. Crook County On the Move offers a free, chair-based exercise class called Mobility for Life as well as a free, daily brisk walk club called Let’s Walk Together.

There are virtual options for free exercise classes as well. AARP’s Senior Planet offers free online fitness classes for all difficulty levels, and SilverSneakers offers an array of free live and on-demand exercise classes.
Cascades East Transit went fare free during the pandemic on all fixed route and on-demand services, such as Dial-A-Ride. Bend Dial-A-Ride is a paratransit service providing shared, curb-to-curb rides within Bend city limits to the disabled community. Dial-A-Ride may also be accessed by low-income seniors who live within 3/4-mile of CET’s fixed route services in Bend. Dial-A-Ride is currently fare free, however, riders must first apply to the program and demonstrate eligibility as disabled, low-income disabled, or as a low-income senior.
Rural Dial-A-Ride is a curb-to-curb, shared ride transit service provided to the general public. You can use public transportation to get to where you need to go, whether it’s commuting across town for work or school, traveling to other communities within Central Oregon or accessing services within rural communities. Check out Cascade East Transit’s All Cities page to get the routes and schedules outside of Bend.
Council on Aging of Central Oregon or other Area Agencies on Aging (AAA)
“AAAs” are available in most major cities and provide resources for older adults. Services at each office will vary, so you’ll need to contact your local office to see what they provide. Typically, AAAs offer free Medicare counseling, nutrition education, food support like Meals on Wheels, minor home repair, and help with applying for government assistance programs.
Hello i am trying to get approved for the lifeline and cap and ebb programs for my elderly parents and grandparents who all live in the same house but do not share income or bills
Good morning Rebecca — Please call our office at (541) 678-5483. Our information and referral specialists can help. -Emma
Hello, Hello! My name is Terry Watkins and I’m 69 years old. I’m one of those Adults that is called a low income American. American. Had a head injury person and I’m coveraged by Medicare/Medicad. It’s do to low income. I’m going to ask you, am I covered enough for a Dentist to take you/gov. to do sevice on taking care of what problem I’m having with teeth turning black, louse ect. What do Ya think? Am I or Am I Not ?
Hi Terry, the Council on Aging can help you navigate Medicare coverage if you call us at (541) 678-5483. For Medicaid questions, please call your local Aging and People with Disabilities office. You can find a list of those phone numbers here: https://www.oregon.gov/dhs/Offices/Pages/Seniors-Disabilities.aspx. -Emma
I live alone, no family or friends.
Looking for transportation services for procedures & surgeries with IV sedation.
Hi Tom, Transportation options in Central Oregon are very limited. Please give us a call at (541) 678-5483 and our Information and Referral Specialist can help you navigate through the available options. -Emma
I’m looking for reduced price, sugar free Ensure or like items. I’m 79 and have fatigue. Can anyone help.
Thank you, Sue
I am in need of free hearing aids. My yearly income is less than $13000 . I live in the state of Louisiana. Livingston Parish.
I need info on who may be able to help. I am 78 yrs. old
Hi, Linda. I’m Jamie and I’m not affiliated with this site but I’ve been doing research to try to help an elderly neighbor with free or reduced services since nobody(including her sons..who are her neighbors) else will advocate for her. Anyway, after I saw your question, I did a bit of digging and found a few that do offer hearing aids for low income elderly. I can link to it so here it..NCOA. Org. Good Luck, and I really hope they can help.
Hello, im looking for info regarding my 78 year mother that lives in Florence Oregon and is in need of someone to help with taking her to appointments cause she cant see to drive and someone who can help paying her bills also she just went through breast cancer and needs to get to Eugene for radiation back and forth. She really needs some kind of service that the state can pay for and just need some help with this. Any ideas please call Annette at (559)770-1219 Thank you so much.
Hi Annette – You’ll want to contact Senior and Disability Services of Lane County. You can find info about them here https://www.lcog.org/sdslane or call them at 541-682-3353. Best, Emma
I am trying to help a friend, age 79 this June & low income, find preferably free and/or low cost medical services for: dentures or permanent dentures & the posts/implants & follow-up treatments they require, also help with eye expenses – she is to have cataract surgery and the lenses they replace her own with & glasses, other medical concerns, she prob also would need some help with transportation if out of her local area of Kitsap County, Bremerton, Washington. Can you provide any phone numbers and programs to contact? She is not computer literate & I am better but not much though I have a friend who could help with computer applications, etc. Thank you very much. Your website is wonderful.
I’m aging and I need assistance as I enter my golden years.
Hi Kellee,
Feel free to give us a call at (541) 678-5483 to talk with our information and referral specialist.
I moved to Gainesville Mo. When I signed up for the local food pantry inquiries were made for the senior box food assistance. I was told to fill out a form and after that, I would be put on a waiting list. So my thoughts were it took me Sixty years to get this far, so how long is it going to take for my spot this year to two years from now to be able to receive this assistance? When waiting in a long exhaustive line the notice of boxes stacked containing U.S. American cheese was not being distributed to all and some would receive two to three boxes, my thought was, I guess I’m not 60 years old enough to receive that product. Just Saying!
Need assistance in acquiring a car for transportation needed to shop for groceries, doctor visits and commuting greatgrandchild to and from school. I am low-income in the state of Maryland.
Hi Frances,
We here at the Council on Aging help older adults in Central Oregon. To find the agency to assist you in Maryland, you can select your county at the website below and contact their office to ask about transportation assistance.
I am almost 69. I am a widow and have no family.
I have Medicare part A only. I tried last year to enroll in part B, but it was taking too long and the penalty fees were mounting up, to the point where once finally approved my first payment would have been more than my Social security check, so I cancelled.
I have not seen a doctor in over 10 years, can’t afford it.
It would be nice to know that there is something available for someone in my position that allows us medical services such as regular doctors appointments, vision and dental.
Hi Gail, If you are located in Central Oregon, give us a call at (541) 678-5483. We have people on staff who specialize in connecting seniors with resources and volunteers who can walk you through Medicare. If you don’t live in Central Oregon, you can find your local Area Agency on Aging here at the Eldercare Locater https://eldercare.acl.gov/Public/index.aspx. -Emma
I need help in setting up a living revocable trust
Hi Patricia, if you call (541) 678-5483, our Information and Resource Specialist can help you find resources in Central Oregon to help set up a living revocable trust.